
Chaos Duel is all about 1-on-1 fighting, and supports 4 separate weapon modes for a variety of playing styles. Duel also features, as one of the 4 weapon options, an all new 3rd person melee fighting system, which comes complete with new weapon models and custom animations. As well as a diverse set of maps created specifically for this game type, all of which can be played in any of the weapon options.

No matter which style of Duel you chose to play, the basic rules remain the same; two players will enter the map and fight to the death, while the rest wait ‘in line’, and watch the action. The loser is removed from the arena and placed at the end of the line, while the winner stays in to take on the next challenger. All health and ammo are reset, and the next Round begins. In addition, each round is timed, so that if neither player has died (suicide or frag) before the time runs out, then both players are removed from the arena. In order to get a Victory in Chaos Duel, somebody’s gotta die!

The server admin determines if a single frag wins each Round, or if you must frag them twice to get the Victory. Admins also decide how many Victories a player must have in order to win the Match, which is when the map will rotate.

All this is then handled automatically by the Chaos Duel game type, so all you need to do is join the game, watch the action and wait for your turn…., then fight to stay in control of the arena!

Chaos Duel also comes with full bot support, so you may line up your favorite bots and play with all these options offline as well.

There are 4 ways to play Chaos Duel, 4 different choices of ‘weapon modes’ to play with

Melee – Each player chooses his own melee weapon before entering the map. You may only choose one weapon at a time, but you can use your Escape key while in game to return to this menu, and pick another weapon (any changes take effect next time you spawn). Some pickups are available in melee Duel maps. (See the Melee Weapons & Basics page for more detailed info on melee.)

UT2K3 – With this option, you play with all the standard UT2003 weapons. You are given most of the standard weapons, and maximum ammo for each one. So you will spawn with the rocket launcher, and 999 rockets for example, along with most of the other weapons. NO superweapons are included. Players are given full health and 50 shield to start each match, but there are no pickups available in the maps.

Chaos – This is the version that gives you most of the standard Chaos weapons each time you spawn. You will be given maximum ammo for most weapons, but some have been limited to better suit Duel game play. Players are given full health and 50 shield to start each match, but there are no pickups available in the maps.

Map – Duel map authors can set up to 7 weapons as the ‘Mappers Choice’ weapons, and if you pick this option, you’ll play with whatever the author of that map selected. Players are given full health and 50 shield to start each match, but there are no pickups available in the maps. Note: this option allows for both melee and non-melee weapons in the same match!



Simply select Instant Action from the main menu, and as always you will see the Instant Action | Select Map menu.

Then select Chaos Duel from the Game Type drop down menu, just as you would for any other game type.

All the Duel maps in your maps folder will then automatically be displayed in the windows below. Select the map you wish to start with, and then proceed to the Game Rules tab.



Duel Rules:

NOTE: Almost all of the options in this menu are exactly the same as standard UT2003. With the following additions:

Best 2/3 – Use this option and you will have to kill your opponent twice to win each individual Round.

Number of Victories – The number of Rounds a player must win before the map will rotate.

Round Time – The maximum length of time each Round will last. If neither player has died by this time, they are both removed from the arena. NOTE: Round time in the GUI is set in Minutes, but will display as seconds in-game. (ie; set it to “2” here, and you will see “120” on the HUD, and so on) Max Round Time (as of v2.01) is 6 minutes.

Weapons Used – Use this menu to pick from the 4 ‘sets’ of weapon choices available in Duel (as described above).



Entering Game of Chaos Duel:

When you join a Duel match, you will see this menu, which has 3 tabs across the top;

This is the default screen you will be shown when entering the game. You can see the name of the map you are about to play, and if it’s ‘Best 2 outta 3’ for this server, and so on.

Next, click on the ‘Weapons’ tab to get further information about the weapons in use for this match, and/or select your choice of melee weapon.


This screen will let you know which weapons are in use for this match.

If it is a melee match, this is where you choose which weapon you want to use. Simply scroll left or right with the arrows, and then click “Use this melee weapon” to save your choice.

If this is done mid-game, your choice will take effect next time you spawn. This means you can try all the melee weapons without having to leave the server or restart your game.


Use this tab to get to the normal UT2003 escape menu options.







HUD & Scoreboard Changes:

This shows you the HUD while you are actually playing. The top left shows who you are playing, and if the rules in this match are Best 2/3, it will show if anyone has a frag yet.

It also shows the Round time – one of you must die before this time runs out, or you will both be removed from the map.




This shows what the HUD will look like in between frags/rounds, and also if you are spectating, waiting for your turn to fight.

The top two names, highlighted in yellow, are the two players fighting right now. The rest of the names are listed according to their playing order.

In the new CUT2 spectator view, the player’s health and shield information is displayed in the lower bar.



The Duel scoreboard

The top two names, seperated a bit from the rest, are the two players fighting right now. The rest of the players are listed according to their playing order.

The ‘score limit’ at the bottom of the scoreboard indicates how many Victories are required to win the Match, and the ‘remaining time’ is the length of time left for this Match.

NOTE: This is NOT the same as Round time – this is overall Match time. When this time runs out, whoever is in the lead is declared the winner, and the map rotates.




Remote Admin:

When using the Remote Admin feature to set up a Duel match, use the ‘Game’ tab in order to set the Round Time, weapon mode, and ‘Best 2/3’ options.