Live Chat tool available

UPDATE by RFlagg:

due to lack of use, this chat tool has been removed.

FOR LIVE CHAT- Visit us in IRC at #chaoticdreams on QuakeNet. Our irc can also be accessed right here on our site at

For those who would like to chat live with other Chaos players, there is a new live chat tool available right here on the site. You can see it on the bottom right of your screen. Just click on the header that says Live Chaos Chat and you are added to the public chat room.

Signing in with your preferred nick is easy. You can sign in via your Facebook account, your twitter account, or sign in as guest, and just type in whatever nick you want.

Feel free to offer feedback or comments.

Of course we still have a Steam chat room, where you can see other Chaos folks if they happen to be on Steam at the time. And we still have IRC. Info for those are available on the sidebar of the main page here.