Chaos progress continues

There hasn’t been a news post here recently, but that doesn’t mean we’re not busy. It’s just that our latest test build is taking longer than usual to be completed. We will have plenty to talk about once Warhead gets everything to a good stopping point, and shares it with the team. Hopefully before the month is out, but we do not want to rush him. He’s working on some tricky stuff, and it takes time to get it right. Besides, it’s the holidays. Turkeys and presents, and whatnot. 

Please do check back with us in the future. 

Just for something else to talk about though…, we are in fact still tossing around ideas for at least a few brand new weapons for this version of Chaos. Hopefully they will work out and be fun to use. But it’s not easy to come up with new stuff, and even when you think you’ve got a decent idea, there is a lot of back and forth about the details. 

Since we’re still trying to figure out how the new weapons should work, there’s not much point in having Thatscrawnykid go crazy with the models, or for Shadowstar to get busy with sounds. So while we do have rough ideas of the new weapons, there isn’t yet art to show for them. 

However, TSK likes to stay sharp, so he put together a “practice” weapon model and shared it on the UT4 forums. 










Here is the link to the thread on Epic’s forums, let him know what you think!


Thanks for reading! Hope to have more soon.