Robert Joins Chaotic Dreams, starts coding new version!

Yes, that’s right. We have a brand new coder on our team. His name is Robert, and he’s off to a very impressive start.

He has begun making a new version of Chaos for the new, free version of UT that is currently in Pre-Alpha. He has made excellent progress already on a Grappling Hook, as well as our Anti-Gravity Belt.

Here’s a short, simple video showing just a touch of the Anti-Grav Belt in action, in the new UT:

We are now looking for someone with modeling skills, to join Robert, and get in on ground floor with what we hope is going to be something big. If you are interested, please contact us via forums, email, IRC, or even on our new twitter @TheChaosMod.

We are all set up to provide just about any support you might need. Just come talk to us, and let’s see where we can go together!

Thanks for reading, more to come!